Central Coast Headshot Photographer

Lisa was fantastic!
We chose Lisa to conduct our corporate head shots, and the team and I could not be more impressed with how the photos turned out.
Lisa managed to capture all of our wonderful personalities in all of our individual and team shots, which made for a fun-filled photo shoot, with some hilarious shots mixed in, just for good fun.
Additionally, the photos were received back in less then 24 hours!
I can not thank you enough Lisa, for capturing such memorable and professional photos.
We can’t wait to work with you again in the future.
Danni Thorncraft
First National Real Estate Charmhaven

central coast head shot photographer

Understanding the Distinction Between Corporate Headshot and Portrait Photography

In the realm of corporate photography, both headshots and portraits play significant roles in representing professionals and businesses. While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they serve different purposes and entail distinct approaches. Understanding the differences between corporate headshot and portrait photography can help individuals and businesses choose the right style to convey their desired image effectively.

Corporate Headshot Photography:  Corporate headshots are concise, straightforward portraits that primarily focus on an individual’s face and upper body. These images aim to capture the subject in a professional and approachable manner, often used for business profiles, resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and other professional platforms.

Focus on the Face: The main emphasis is on the subject’s face, ensuring clarity, sharpness, and a friendly expression.

Clean and Simple Backgrounds: Backgrounds are typically plain or neutral, minimizing distractions and keeping the focus on the individual.

Standardized Lighting: Consistent lighting setups are often used to achieve uniformity across headshots, maintaining a professional aesthetic.

Efficiency: Corporate headshot sessions are usually brief and efficient, aiming to capture a professional image with minimal disruption to the subject’s schedule.

Corporate headshots are essential for establishing credibility, professionalism, and approachability in the business world. They offer a glimpse into the personality of the individual while maintaining a polished appearance suitable for professional settings.

Corporate Portrait Photography: Corporate portrait photography, on the other hand, encompasses a broader scope and aims to convey more about the subject’s personality, role, and environment. Unlike headshots, corporate portraits often include the subject’s entire body and may incorporate elements of their workspace or surroundings.

Environmental Context: Corporate portraits often feature the subject in their workplace or a relevant environment, providing additional context and insight into their role.

Full-body Composition: Portraits may capture the subject from head to toe, allowing for a more comprehensive representation of their appearance and demeanor.

Customization and Creativity: Unlike the standardized approach of headshots, corporate portraits offer more room for creativity and customization, allowing photographers to tailor the images to suit the subject’s personality and brand identity.

Storytelling: Corporate portraits have the potential to tell a story about the individual, their profession, and their company, offering viewers a deeper understanding of their role and expertise.

central coast business portrait photographer

Corporate Headshot Pricing

In Office or Outdoors (1 person only)

Price includes
Lighting set up
Outdoor setting, in office or with backdrop
Up to 30 minutes shoot
All edited high and low resolution files

$400 (for 1 staff member)


In Office or Outdoors (2-5 staff)

Price includes
Lighting set up
Outdoor setting, in office or with backdrop
15 minutes per staff member
All edited high and low resolution files

$550 (for 2-5 staff members)
Additional staff member $50 per staff

In Office or Outdoors (6-10 staff)

Price includes
Lighting set up
Outdoor setting, in office or with backdrop
15 minutes per staff member
All edited high and low resolution files

$750 (for 6-10 staff members)
Additional staff member $50 per staff

In studio

Price includes
Studio Hire for 1 hour
Lighting set up
20 minutes per staff member
All edited high and low resolution files

$990 (for 1- 3 staff members)
Additional staff member $50 per staff

Headshot prices are for Central Coast only. Price includes basic edit (colour correction, blemish removal only)  If extra editing is required that is more advanced there will be an additional fee per photo.
If you require other areas please let me know in you enquiry and I will send over a quote.

More than one look!

  • Casual and friendly style for the business owner who wants to give off an inviting and approachable look.
  • Fun, not-so-corporate style for your start-up tech company whose target audience is a more youthful crowd.
  • Photos by the beach or include some of stunning natural landscapes.

The possibilities are endless, so determine how your headshots will be used and select the look you need. No matter what you decide, be sure to let your individual personality shine through each image!

Characteristics of a great headshot.

You have booked your photo session. Now what?

How do you ensure that your headshots reflect the vibe you want, are of high quality, and will help you stand out from the crowd?

These are five characteristics of a great headshot. If you stick to these simple rules, you will leave your session with headshots you love.

  • Clean and simple – The goal of a headshot is to show who you are in a professional manner. The best way to do this is to keep your headshots clean and simple, with nothing to distract from you.
  • Confidence and approachability – Visibly showing off your personality in your headshot demonstrates self-confidence, which automatically leads others to feel confident in you as well.
  • Smile with your teeth – and your eyes! This goes without saying, but real smiles radiate a genuine vibe that will attract your audience.
  • Personality over glamour – Make sure your headshots look like you. Do not overdo it with the makeup, hair, or clothing.  Just be unapologetically you!
  • Conservative colors – By wearing conservative colors, the focus stays on you, your smile, and your personality.


Real Estate Agencies: Agents often need professional headshots for their marketing materials and online profiles.

Law Firms: Attorneys and legal professionals frequently require headshots for their websites, business cards, and promotional materials.

Medical Practices: Doctors, dentists, and healthcare professionals often use headshots for their websites, patient communications, and professional directories.

Financial Services: Professionals in banking, insurance, and financial planning often need headshots for marketing materials and professional profiles.

Corporate Offices: Companies of all sizes may require headshots for their employees, whether for internal use, corporate directories, or promotional purposes.

Creative Agencies: Designers, marketers, and other creative professionals often need headshots for their portfolios, social media, and promotional materials.

Consulting Firms: Consultants and advisors may require headshots for their websites, presentations, and client communications.

Educational Institutions: Teachers, professors, and administrators may need headshots for school websites, publications, and promotional materials.

Hospitality Industry: Hotel staff, restaurant owners, and event planners may require headshots for promotional materials and online profiles.

Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: Independent professionals, such as coaches, freelancers, and small business owners, often need headshots for their websites, social media, and marketing materials.

Your corporate headshot can either be done in your office, an outdoor location or in a profession studio at West Gosford. Have a chat with me today to find out the best fit for you and your business.

Headshot session mistakes to avoid

Now that you know the characteristics that will make your headshots awesome, here are some mistakes to avoid prior to getting your headshots and during your headshot session.

Not coming prepared – You have to put in the work for a successful product. This includes having your outfit ready, your hair and makeup done, and arriving on time. Otherwise, you may feel rushed or flustered, and you will likely be unhappy with your headshots.

Not looking like yourself – A headshot is supposed to reflect who you are, so do not try to be someone that you are not. For example, wearing an outfit, shoes, or makeup that you wouldn’t normally might make you feel uncomfortable, which will show through the photos.

Fake smiles – A fake smile can give off an impression of ingenuity and lack of personality. Not sure how to get that perfect, real smile for the camera? Try bringing a friend with you to the session, or playing music that helps you feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Choosing the wrong setting – Make sure the location of your headshot fits with the image you are trying to create. For example, an indoor headshot makes more sense for a corporate look than an outdoor headshot.

Keen to find out more information? Send me as much information as you can via my contact form and I will get back to you with a quote.