unplugged ceremony photo


1000% yes. For so many reasons but here are the main 2.

1 – Get your guests to be present during your vows. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have heard phone and even worse ipads click during the ceremony. Your family and friends are invited to watch your ceremony, to hear your vows, to see the tears and to be truly present. Put the phones away and enjoy it!

2 – From a photography standpoint an unplugged ceremony to me is all about photographing what is happening at the time. This is why couples book me because I do photograph what is happening. In the past when the wedding hasn’t been unplugged I have had a grooms mum shoot the whole way through on her ipad, I have had grooms not be able to see their partner walking down the aisle due to phones, ipads or cameras. I have had guests stand BEHIND the celebrant to “get the shot”, I have had guests stand in front of me during the first kiss. I could go on but I won’t.
So in short, yes you should definitely have an unplugged ceremony.

So, if you are going to a wedding sometime soon, be mindful. Mindful of the photographer who is being paid to do the best job they can and also mindful to the couple who want you there to watch and be present. Seriously, how much nicer does it look without cameras being held up!

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bride and groom at Somersby Gardens wedding